In Need of a Savior

I was looking over through my blog at past posts and found this one that I wrote but never published.  So, I edited it a little and will go ahead and publish it now.  The things that prompted me to write this are no longer on the forefront of my brain or heart right now, but the conclusion is a very good reminder of what's most important in this life.  It's comforting for my weary soul.

"It seems to me that a lot of us are still looking for a saviour. Every couple of years a new fad-church comes along promising us to fill that void, to help us fill the longing in our souls, give us that new thing that's going to change us and the world. Many of us parents with young kids want something that is going to guarantee that our children become healthy, mature, God-fearing adults. Will it be sheltering them from the world, "focusing on the family", homeschooling, family-integrated churches, etc. that's going to save them? Save me? There's nothing wrong inherently with any of these things unless, I feel, that we are looking at them to save us, save our kids.

After doing some Bible digging, chit-chatting with friends, and discussing with my hubby, I've come to the conclusion that... Jesus is our saviour. Go figure.  A life set on following hard after Him and His word. A call for a life of personal holiness - "and you shall be holy; for I am holy" (Leviticus 11:44).  That's what courses through the pages of the Bible from one end to the other.  That is what is required of me. I will stake my life on His word. I will fall. These last few months have found me at times falling hard, and not necessarily on my knees as I should have been.  I am not one in which faith comes easily. With God's strength and the strength of the one that He has put nearest to me (Tom), I will get back up and I will surrender again, and again, and again."


It's amazing how we can get so caught up in the extra stuff, that it is so comforting to be reminded that all we really need is Jesus. I have often had a lot of those thoughts myself.
Julie Donatini said…
Hi Jen! I have been meaning to write to you, unsure of what to say. My heart is so heavy for your family and for what you have gone through. I have followed all of your blogs and prayed for you all as I have read the tough entries. Dan and I want you to know that we are constantly thinking about you and Tom and the kids. Please let us know how we can support you the best.

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