In & Waiting

Well...We still have random piles of tools and boxes to yet go through, but for the most part we're all in. Most things are either unpacked or put into one of two 8'x20' storage boxes in our side yard. Yes, we needed two. It's hard to downsize, lose a garage (what we had at our townhouse) and add a gazillion tools.

Now it's just more waiting...waiting for baby to come (any day now, the sooner the better) and waiting for the plans for the addition to be approved. All in the Lord's perfect timing. Not having the addition to start working on will give Tom some time to take care of little projects in the main putting up lighting fixtures and maybe even installing the tile floor. We're mostly living on concrete floors right now. It would be all concrete except for some really great neighbors who know somebody in the carpet business who "just happened" to have some brand-new carpet just laying around. God is so so good!


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