Here's a little something that I found in the drafts:

I slip on my muck boots and open the sliding glass door. The cold night air immediately rushes in. I let Dakota out first and then quickly step out into the night, closing the door behind me. After Dakota gives her usual night greetings, she leads the way to the chicken coop. I love the crisp air and the sound of the snow crunching beneath my feet as I make my way through the trees over to shut the chicken's coop door for the night. 

The chickens, all lined up on their perches, cluck softly as I enter. Checking one last time for eggs, I step in briefly. Sometimes Peep, the Americana, will lay an egg is the big bag of extra bedding, so I make sure to shine my flashlight  around before I close their little door, step out, close and lock the big door, and head back to the house. After going potty one last time, Dakota comes running up behind me, quickly over-taking me and beats me to the back door of the house. She waits patiently for me to catch up and let her back in.

After taking off my muck boot and slipping back into my slippers, I head to get Dakota's blanket. She waits patiently for me in front of the couch (whichever one she prefers to sleep on that night, it changes for some reason). I lay her blanket on the couch and she hops up, ready to snuggle in for the night.

It's a nice calm bed-time routine to end the busyness of the day. We both enjoy it. It's definitely something that I have needed during this year of change and struggle. 

Last school year ended roughly. We did all that I had wanted to school-wise, but relationships were strained. Our sin-stained lives had touched others' too much and it was called out.  

The summer was full of soccer, creek days, fostering kitties, Airbnb guests, ultimate frisbee, a broody hen, four baby chicks and lots of other good stuff. 

In the midst of all this life stuff, we felt it was finally time to act on God's call on our lives to find a new church home.  All of the family being in agreement on our new church home was something that I didn't think possible, but God brought it about in His timing. But all churches, like our family, has good and bad. Where God is calling us to step in, and call home, is another area where God can take the struggles and turn them for His glory and our good.


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