Sammy (8) and Danner (1)

Before the next and final birthday of the year is upon me, I thought that I should post about the last two birthdays that we've had around here.


Sammy's birthday was in late September. He turned 8 years old - crazy I know. In true Sammy form he wanted a camo birthday. He wears camo almost everyday in some form or another, shirt, pants/shorts, and/or hat. He loves the hunting and wishes we had more birds and bunnies in our yeard so that he could hunt more. Several weeks before his birthday, he even bought himself a BB gun with money that he had been saving for months.

For Sammy's party, he wanted giant chocolate-chocolate chip cookies (no cake), shooting games with his BB gun and bow and arrow, and a marshmallow eating race. All his friends came decked out in camo and knives - true hunters never leave home without them.

There was a huge storm that was projected to hit right in the middle of his party. We just had time to finish all of the outside games before it started raining. Although the storm wasn't as massive as the news was making it out to be, it was enough to keep all the party-goers inside for the rest of the day. And what are you going to do with seven 6 through 11 year-olds stuck inside for a couple of hours? Watch an old Godzilla movie on youtube, of course (Sammy and Tom's idea)! The boys thought it was the best thing ever!

Thankfully even though he's a crazy, rough and tumble boy, he still loves to be snuggled and always makes sure to get plenty of hugs throughout the day. I hope he never grows out of that!


The youngest of the Cutlip crew turned one mid-October. My baby, one year old! He's such a sweet, easy-going, kinda crazy (gets wound up right before bed), little boy. He loves to be rough-housed with, loves Livvy as much, if not more, than Mama, has four teeth, can stand on his own, waves "bye, bye", says, "baa" (ball), "Maa" (mama), "Daaa" (daddy), and can sign "more" and sometimes "please". He's gaining more and more confidence standing by himself, and will probably be taking his first steps here real soon. Go slow, baby. No need to rush!


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