
Sometimes I forget to blog about the everyday stuff.  I have to remember it doesn't have to be big, deep or flashy, just the daily happenings of our life.  So because we lived life today, I shall take a moment before heading up for a nice hot bath to tell whats been going on in the Cutlip household.


Lately we've reduced school to math and phonics workbooks for Livvy, Discovery Day for all the kids and random stuff for Sammy (and when I say "we", I really mean me, but it feels so much better to spread the blame around a bit).  This summer or next year we'll try to incorporate the other stuff one is supposed to be learning, but for now, I just don't feel like putting forth the effort to make it happen (there I said it, I took full responsibility...sigh).

The past couple of days have felt almost like spring and the kids have heard its call and have disappeared outside.  They head out sometime after chores have been done and breakfast has been eaten.  They disappear into the world of make-believe...where mud becomes delicious foods, and sticks and trucks become swords and escape vehicles.

Tuesday after they had been out there for at least an hour and I had done everything and anything that I thought I could or should get done, I was frankly getting a little bored.  I stood at the window watching them, debating what I should do next.  Should I call them in and do some sort of school, something productive?  Isn't that what a good mother would do?  Should I just let them continue playing?  They were playing so well together, it seemed a shame to interrupt.  Was I flat out being lazy or was I being wise in allowing the children some down time? 

I let myself have this mental debate for quite some time while I watched the kids and tried to follow their storyline.  I sat there until it was time to make lunch.  Off the hook about what the good mother would/should/could do, I set myself to the next task of making them lunch.


Today Tom got home a little early from work so he sat at the kitchen table and helped Livvy with some of her math problems.  Something wasn't exactly clear to Livvy and she started to fall apart (not quite, but it was coming).  Tom quickly told her to get herself together and not to waste water.  She looked at him and argued that she wasn't wasting water.  Tom explained that her body had other uses for water needed to make tears and she should conserve it.  She smiled a little and set herself back on the task.  I thought it was hilarious.


While Tom was working with Livvy, the boys were playing with their monster trucks and into their own little world.  Ben has finally reached that age where he can play along Sammy for short periods of time.  It's been so nice to see.  It usually ends with one or both or them are being foolish and hitting the other.  Hopefully they'll get over that soon.


On the baby front, I am 36 weeks and counting down.  I'm measuring small but continue to grow every week so we're not worried.  Everything is pretty much ready for this baby to enter the world.  I gathered all the things on the list from the midwife that she will need on delivery day and lined them along the wall of the master bedroom.  Now I just need to wait patiently, eat my fill of high fat, high caloric foods, and try to enjoy these last weeks of life with just three.  Bree, I need some Ho, Ho's!


Tom continues to work on the house.  He has a growing list of things that we'd like done before baby arrives.  Having everything 100% complete has been removed from that list and replaced with stuff like, "fix hot water in master sink", "install minivan door handle", and "get some type of clean flooring in the school room in case kids need a place to sleep so the mama can have privacy during labor and not worry about anybody listening in."

He's got all the drywall officially hung, patched, and cornered.  Next I think he's going to tackle the ceilings.  All the old popcorn stuff has to be scraped off so he can make it nice and smooth like the rest of the house.  It's coming along, slowly but surely.

Well, that's all I can think of for now.  Maybe I'll pass on the bath and head straight to bed.  Hmmm, but both sound so nice.


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