School Room
It's finished! Well, not 100%, but it's finished enough that I've started the move.
Before I show you the good stuff, let's do a short recap:
My last post regarding the house ended with painting the walls and laying down the padding for the laminate flooring. As soon as the padding was down, Tom started working on the flooring. It seemed to go fairly smoothly and easily, which is nice for a change.
Once that was installed Tom got to work on my ( :o} ) built-in bookshelf (it's disguising the hole that the existing closet used to be). Well, to say that he got to work on it isn't quite right. His mind went to work on it. There was a lot of figuring, measuring, re-figuring and remeasuring to make sure that all of my school stuff fit and was properly supported. It's funny, but we went around and measured all of the kid's workbooks, binders, plastic bins, etc. to make sure that everything would have a home.
It took several trips to Home Depot and several Saturdays, but here's the building and painting of the bookshelf:
Before I show you the good stuff, let's do a short recap:
My last post regarding the house ended with painting the walls and laying down the padding for the laminate flooring. As soon as the padding was down, Tom started working on the flooring. It seemed to go fairly smoothly and easily, which is nice for a change.
Once that was installed Tom got to work on my ( :o} ) built-in bookshelf (it's disguising the hole that the existing closet used to be). Well, to say that he got to work on it isn't quite right. His mind went to work on it. There was a lot of figuring, measuring, re-figuring and remeasuring to make sure that all of my school stuff fit and was properly supported. It's funny, but we went around and measured all of the kid's workbooks, binders, plastic bins, etc. to make sure that everything would have a home.
It took several trips to Home Depot and several Saturdays, but here's the building and painting of the bookshelf:
And walla (sp?)...isn't it beeaauutiful?!
And here's what I did today, I had so much fun:
I'm sure I'll be moving things around for quite some time. For those of you who know me, you know that I love the process of getting organized. I love being organized. I don't necessarily always stay organized, but I function so much better when everything has a home and it's home is functional.
Here's the one other area that I've been able to work on so far - the reading nook:
I need two little bean bag chairs to go right under the window.
Well, there you have it. Now all I need is a table, some chairs, and...some time to get organized :).