
Let the Cutlip farm begin. We have six baby chicks, two Ameraucanas, two Buff Orpington, one Silver-laced Cochin, and one Blue Cochin. We want a total of 11-12 chicks so we'll go back to Olsen's Grain later this week or next week when they have the other breeds that we want available. We've been doing lots of research on which breeds we want, ones that are good egg layers, ones that are good with families...did you know that some chickens are actually described as "cuddly"? Who knew.

The kids had so much fun picking them out and then playing with them when we got home. So far only two have been severe casualties as of yet.

Here's the Silver-laced Cochin.

Sammy with the Silver-laced Cochin and Livvy with the Blue Cochin.

All the peeps lined up.
Livvy said, "Go, peeps. Go! Mom, why aren't they listening to me?"


Kira Krieger said…
I enjoy your blog so much I am having it delivered to my email inbox. :) You're two (okay, probably many more than that) steps ahead of me in the mommy world of keeping life organized. Keep blogging so I can glean! :)
Kristen said…
So cute! What a fun adventure.
Thats so much fun! I'm sure the kids will have a blast with them! My sister and her family just got some chickens, too. Rayna loved them, Taylin didn't want to touch them!

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