The Good Life
Have you ever had one of those days that you didn’t really do anything special, but what you did do just warmed your heart and put a smile on your face? Yesterday was that kind of day around here.
We woke up to kids coming in and snuggling us in our bed. Eventually we all got up and ate some breakfast, played a little, talked a little, and then started our chore day. We started by picking up the scraps of wood and siding scattered over the yard…when I say “we”, I really mean me. The kids helped for a little bit and then they got caught up in their own adventures; they said “hi” to our rear neighbors Fox and Tony, and then headed over to our side neighbors to jump on their trampoline with Andrew and Morgan (15 and 13).
Ben mainly just supervised.

We woke up to kids coming in and snuggling us in our bed. Eventually we all got up and ate some breakfast, played a little, talked a little, and then started our chore day. We started by picking up the scraps of wood and siding scattered over the yard…when I say “we”, I really mean me. The kids helped for a little bit and then they got caught up in their own adventures; they said “hi” to our rear neighbors Fox and Tony, and then headed over to our side neighbors to jump on their trampoline with Andrew and Morgan (15 and 13).
Ben mainly just supervised.

Tom stayed mostly in the garage trying to get all the different tools, fasteners, etc organized – quite a task. After getting the yard looking good (if you can call dirt and dead weeds “good”), I went in to help him. It was fun to work along side each other – it feels so good to work together on something that allows us to compliment one another.
Here's the progress so far:

Every now and then, usually after hearing some loud screaming, I’d peek my head out the door and see that no, no one was dying, just the kids happily engaged in a roaring game of “monster”. They had such a good time playing and I knew that they were close and in good hands (Andrew and Morgan are so wonderful with the kids!).
After naps and more organizing, we ended the day by going to Quizno’s for some free subs. The kids ate one of the free ones, and Tom and I shared a spicy chicken something with Chipotle sauce – mmm, it was delicious!
Maybe it was the warm weather, all the neighbors outside working on their yards or house, the happy screaming of the kids, or maybe it was getting a good portion of the garage organized and ready for the work to come…I don’t know. I just know that it all felt so good. I feel so blessed to be married to this wonderful man, have these three beautiful kids, live in this great neighborhood, and in this soon-to-be-perfect-for-us house. God is so good!