2013 Christmas Letter
A Peaceful Morning
The fire in the wood-burning stove is crackling when I walk down
the stairs with the baby. The starter of
the fire got up early and is already gone, on his way to work. I lay the baby on his blanket on the floor,
make a cup of coffee, grab my Bible, and take my seat near the fire. Phoebe is already curled up on the rug in
front of the fire, acting more like a dog than the great hunting cat that she
The kids start making their way downstairs one by one to warm up
– it’s usually pretty chilly upstairs after a long cold night. There’s none of the usual push from
me this morning; we’re taking a break for Christmas. Most likely we’ll get back to it come the
second week in January.
“Can I sit on your lap?” one little boy asks as he climbs into
my lap to snuggle and suck his thumb.
Another little boy plops himself next to the baby to talk and snuggle
him. The oldest of the boys grabs a
puzzle book, pencil and lies down next to the twinkling, ornament-crowded
Christmas tree. Finally the only other
girl in the house makes her way downstairs, picks up a book and curls up on a
couch. All is quiet. It’s a sweet, sweet time.
Pretty soon the quiet will be broken by the chattering of
together-play, the bickering of sinful little souls, and the bustle of morning
chores. But for right now, right now
there is peace.
I had decided not to write a Christmas letter this year, but once we started receiving letters from friends and family I changed my mind. I really like reading about everybody’s years – the good, hard and funny. I guess I’m caving to the peer pressureJ.
Daniel Noah is the newest member of our family, born October 13,
2013 at 12:17am, weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 21” long. He was our second birth at home and first
water birth – it was such a wonderful experience!! Danny (Danner to someJ) is such a sweet smiley baby who is adored by his big
sister and brothers – truly a joy! Most
of our kiddos start out this way, and then…
Jon is 2-1/2 years old and very articulate!
We lovingly call him Lil’ Napoleon as he is a little short for his age
but makes up for it in attitude. He’s a
very fun little boy who loves to keep everything and everyone in line. One of his favorite things in life is sharing
a morning cup of coffee with Mommy.
Ben is 5-1/2 years old and extremely creative. Give the kid some tape, toothpicks, cardboard
and markers and he’ll turn himself into a snarling-toothed tiger or make a sled
to fly down the stairs. After a lesson
in patience for mommy, he’s recognizing his letters and numbers. Although I don’t require his full attention
when I’m teaching Bible/history/geography to the two oldest kids, he’s always
listening and surprises us with what he picks up just by being in the room.
Sammy is 7 years old and is one of the best workers in the house. Even though there are seasons when he’ll protest
a job or activity, he’s usually my
go-to-guy for getting things done around the house with a “What can I do for
you, Mom?” or a “No, problem, Mom.” He
loves Legos and has recently discovered that he can read A to Z Mysteries and The
Magic Tree House books all by himself!
Quite an accomplishment for the kid who said he hated reading.
Livvy just turned 9 years old and is second mommy to Jon and Danny. She’ll change diapers and get one or both
dressed for me without hesitation. She
can usually be found entertaining the troops or curled up somewhere with a
book. Recently she’s enjoyed reading most
of the Mandie books, the Duggars: 20 and Counting and A Love That Multiplies (she’s reminded
me of some good tips on potty training and chores), Caddie Woodlawn,
several of the Anne of… series, Charolotte’s Web, and the Penderwicks, just to name a few.
Tom has been working at Winslow Campus of Care (about an hour drive from
our home here in Flagstaff) for a little over a year now. He is the Rehab Coordinator as well as PT
Assistant. Although he has enjoyed the
job and learned a lot, we’re praying that he can find a similar job here in
Flagstaff (imagine all the schooling he can help with in those two extra hours
a day!!) We’re praying for contentment
in God’s best for our lives specifically in this area. In his spare time, after
he’s played with the kiddos and/or finished a random house projects, he loves researching
just about anything: crazy science stuff on youtube, how to be self-sufficient,
and, of course, theology.
Jenn (that’s me, of course) – I spend most of my time teaching and training
the troops, preparing meals, and trying to keep the house from looking like we
live in tornado alley. This is our 6th
or so year of homeschooling and although I have moments when I feel completely
inadequate and ready to pull my hair out – I believe it truly is the best and
most important thing that I can do for and with my kids. I wouldn’t trade this time for anything! To fulfill any creative urges that I may have
I like to make bread and yogurt, blog, take pictures, and sew.
hope and pray that all is well with you and your family! May you feel and know God’s peace and
presence in any and all circumstances that He allows in your lives. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (just a
little late)!
The Cutlips