Summer School

The day was winding down, I was making dinner (chicken & dumplings with chicken straight from our flock), and the kids wanted to go see if the neighbor friends could come over and play.  To say that we "did" school today (it feels good to at say that we did something), I asked Livvy to write her spelling words on the white board, Sammy to go through his All About Reading flash cards, and Ben to go through his My Father's World ABC flash cards.

By the time Livvy was done, I was still working with Sammy (he needed a little repetition due to some attitude issues) and hadn't gotten to Ben yet.  I asked Livvy to go through Ben's cards with him.  She gladly sat down with him, loving the chance to be teacher.  Ben, surprisingly, sat very obediently and listened to Livvy.

Just like I would have done it, Livvy sang the ABC song, flipping the cards as she went, and then repeated the cards again singing "A a apple, B b butterfly...", just like I do.  "Great!", I thought.  "The kids had "done" school and could spend the next hour playing with friends.

But, this is the cool part, Livvy decided to go above and beyond.  She had Ben and Sammy go through the toy bucket and kitchen looking for matches to the ABC cards, apple for the A, a little plastic cow for C, etc.  She then hid the cards in the guest bedroom, lined up all of the ABC "props" on the school table (sitting, of course, in my seat) and had Sammy and Ben go find the corresponding cards to match each prop.  Perfect!  Why didn't I think of that?

Playing with friends has been long forgotten.  Right now, as I sit and type, they are still "doing school".  Ben is officially calling Livvy, "Teacher", and was just told to tell his mom he can't come because, "We're doing school for a long time".  I wonder if she'll assign them homework.


Buster's Mom said…
I love this! And I also love Ben's cowboy boot and shorts combo.
algrundst said…
What a great, thoughtful, helper!

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