The Homestead
It's been awhile since I've written about and showed what's been happening on our Handy-man-special. Things are looking SO nice!! There's still a list of things to do to get a final certificate of occupancy, but we are nearing the end - at least the end to what needs to be done to get the house finished interiorly. I won't go into the landscaping, gardening, etc. that we'd like to have as well. One thing at a time.
The last time I posted we were painting the guest bedroom. Well, it's painted, carpeted, furnished, etc.
The last time I posted we were painting the guest bedroom. Well, it's painted, carpeted, furnished, etc.
Everything is not fully put away, as you can see with my sewing desk. But, honestly, I haven't done a lot of sewing lately. I plan to get back into it...someday.
The next room that has recently been completed is the school room. I love it! It's so nice to have school in there - it's amazing what a difference it makes to have a place for everything. Tom and I both even have our own desks with our own computers (thanks to my wonderful dad - Thanks Dad!!). We're still looking at getting cork boards for the walls and maybe some kind of art hanging system (I've seen what I think I'm looking for at Ikea years ago...I hope they still have it).
We hired a guy to come help with some of the finish framing about a month or more ago. He finished up some built-in bookshelves, hung some doors. It's all looking really nice!
Like I said, there's still stuff to do. The living room still needs to be textured and painted, all the windows need sills, and then install baseboard to most of the downstairs.
It's all coming together. Wouldn't it be a great gift if it was all done by Christmas (hint, hint - I love you honey, no pressure:>)!
Thanks for sharing your family with us through this! Wish we had more time to be together more! Love to all of you!