Home Work

The work on the home has slowed down again...Dad C went home to OH. Tom is still trying to get things done on the house after dinner a couple nights a week and on the weekends but it is slow going. Thankfully before Dad C left at the end of July, he got a lot accomplished and it's looking really good.

The biggest change for me is that the washer and dryer were moved from behind the kitchen table in the dining room and hooked up in their permanant home the laundry/pantry room. My parents came up for that transformation and my Dad helped Dad C and Tom put in a sliding glass door. We were thinking that we would have to get a cheapo door to install for the short-term until we saved enough money to buy a nice one. But, God is good and Tom found a white Anderson sliding glass door at Restore (our local Habitat for Humanity resale store) for only $90. Exactly what we wanted!

The other Wow! is that the house is almost completely sided. Before they could start putting up the siding, Dad C had to screw and glue furring strips every 2' on th existing masonry house. Then he added insulation between the furring strips and Tyvek over all of that. Then the transformation began.
Grammie even was recruited to help put some siding up.
Sammy just loves to be apart of things and help out the men when he can...even if it's just moving some pieces of siding around the front yard. He's a strong little helper.
Tom just has some trim around openings and the gable end on the existing house to do. His goal is to get it done and painted within the next month. Already it looks like less like an addition and more like a regular house...a regular nice looking house. It's so cool to drive up to it. It's a far cry from what it looked like 1.5 years ago. Slow and steady. Soon the inside will look just as good.


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