Mother's Day

I had a very nice Mother's Day. Tom got up with me in the morning after Ben woke both of us up at 5:45am...way too early. He made coffee for me (wow! he doesn't even like the stuff) and then, once everybody else was awke, he made eggs however we wanted. Livvy and I had egg-in-a-hole, Sammy wanted his scrambled, and Dad C wanted over-medium. Delicious!

Following Hannah's example, we dedicated Ben at church on Sunday. At home we talk so much about our parenting, trying to examine and re-examine ourselves, really trying to follow what the Bible says about life and child-rearing, without adding our own spin on it. I pray that all of our talk continues to lead us to be godly parents to our children, daily demonstrating God's word lived out in our lives, training them to be emotionally and spiritually strong, that they would be passionate Jesus-followers, and that they grow up with a high view of God and His word. I pray that my life is a life that my children want to I'm a work in progress.

After church, we came home. Tom made strawberry-filled pancakes (I had to do nothing except feed and nurse Ben...Tom really couldn't help in that area), and then we all took naps. After naps, we continued my favorite part of Mother's Day, we got KFC and took it to Bushmaster Park for a picnic. It was so nice. In years past it's always been a little too cool for me, but this year was perfect! It was a great ending to a wonderful day. Thanks honey!


Kristen said…
Wonderful pictures!
Julie said…
So glad that you had a special day and little Ben got to be dedicated at church! Brings back fun memories...

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