25 Things About Now

I haven't blogged in awhile...here's an update.

25 Things About Now

1. I love my husband; he's so complimentary, supportive, and...just him.
2. Dad C. is living with us for awhile to help with build our house. He's so nice to have around.
3. Livvy said that she asked Jesus into her heart. We’re pretty sure she that she had already done that about 10 months ago, but has never just come out and phrased it like that.
4. Sammy loves to take a truck or two or three to bed with him.
5. My parents came up the weekend to hang out and help with the house building.
6. Mom C. was here for two weeks and took really good care of us. I could use her right now...our bedroom has a couple of piles of clean clothes to fold.
7. Ben just turned 9 months old and is crawling and pulling himself up to stand on things...”Hold on there little Bubba, one thing at a time”.
8. Ben is really really loud at dinner time – we’re working on him lowering his voice, and not having such a demanding tone.
9. Livvy and Sammy love playing outside together. They find stink bugs, rocks, and dirt very exciting play-things.
10. We might be getting a little girl kitty at the beginning of June...we think we’ll name her Phoebe.
11. Our 14 chickens are growing up. Hopefully they’ll all make it through the next couple of weeks – some of them ate little green bee-bees given to them as special treats by two that will remain anonymous.
12. I’m almost finished putting the plans together for a remodel/addition I designed for some friends at church – we’re trading my work for their work: landscaping rock, cinders, grading and hauling.
13. If somebody talks about shooting stars, Livvy reminds them that there are no such things as shooting stars, “They’re meteorites”…she learned that in school.
14. After naps Sammy comes to me and says, “Nuggle me, Mama.” During the day he also says stuff like, “Why Mama?”, “Mama, you play with me?”, “Me help you, Mama.”, and “No! Uh, uh.” (which, of course, is totally unacceptable).
15. I love reading the Bible; it is the ultimate child rearing book: “Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.” Prov 20:11, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him.” Prov 22:15, “Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” Eph 6:1.
16. Every morning before the kids woke up I used to get my cup of coffee with Hazelnut or Vanilla Carmel creamer and read my Bible at 6:30. I miss those times. Now, because Ben is in our room and he starts making noise at 5:30, I lay there with the blankets over my head trying to ignore him…I refuse to get up that early.
17. Sometimes Ben crawls after me saying, “Ma ma ma ma.”
18. I’ve been hearing lots of noises coming from the addition side of our house – Dad C, Tom and my Dad have been putting in drains, chases, built-in bookcases with laundry chutes, and all sorts of wiring. I still can’t believe we get to build our own house.
19. My best friend and her boyfriend came into Flag two Fridays ago. They stayed with us for the night and on Saturday we went to Sedona to hike around a little bit. It was very fun. I wonder when there’s going to be a ring.
20. I’m the teacher for the next couple of weeks for our co-op preschool and Livvy thinks that that is the best. This week we made butter.
21. I’m still in awe about how God gave us this house, these neighbors, and this chance to have our own little farm.
22. God has done amazing things in my life; sometimes I don’t even recognize myself. Who’s that girl wearing the skirt (I used to totally hate skirts and dresses), raising chickens (I never saw that one coming), with her three beautiful chittlins playing at her feet? Where’d she learn how to make something besides grilled cheese and nachos? …For sure I still have a lot of growing to do, but I’ve come along way so far.
23. Ben loves to bury his head in my neck when he’s getting tired.
24. I could use a movie night, peanut butter M&M’s and popcorn, yum, yum…maybe a beer too.
25. We’ve started potty-training Sammy…we’ve had more accidents than successes so far, but we’ll get there. I should have waited until Summer, than he could have run around naked outside and water all the trees.


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