Valentine's Day Togetherness

Today has just been a nice low-key-kinda day. We didn't do much this morning. After making Tom breakfast in bed, we all just hung around in the living room, the kids entertained themselves, we finally got everyone out of their PJ's (I believe I was the last one to accomplish that), and was time for lunch. After lunch we...what did we do? Hmmm...The kids and I went next door to the neighbors for awhile - Livvy had a card she wanted to give to Morgan (a very sweet and bubbly 13 year-old girl who loves to play with the kids).

After naps, we took the kids sledding on a little hill just down the street and around the corner (we really wanted to live next to National Forest and we finally took advantage of it). It was just a sweet little time to do something fun as a family. Here are some pix of the fun...

After fun sledding, we came home and ate a quick dinner, Tom had to go to work (he's "sitting" tonight at the hospital - sitting with a patient that needs constant supervision). Then the older kids took a bath and then it was movie night! We watched Hermie and Wormie's Nutty Adventure. It was a cute little movie.
Now, they are all asleep, and really... I should be too.


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