Aren't these three just the cutest! It's so fun to look at Tom, Livvy and Sammy playing together and picturing little Ben a little older playing right along with them. When did my little 6lb 6oz baby girl grow and become a little girl? And who are these two other boys? I still have this idea in my head that I'm this 26 year-old girl, free of responsibility. When did I become a wife and mom...a mom of 3 at that?!
As we're laying the foundation for our new house, I'm personally encountering a laying of a different foundation. Or maybe it's better to say that I'm trying to re-lay my spiritual foundation. Through parenting these precious gifts of God, I realize that I have lots of Biblical and/or theological "knowledge". But... I'm finding that I lack the wisdom that takes that knowledge and then can apply it to not only my life but, more importantly, in the training of our children. For myself and my children, I want my thoughts and actions to be directed by what the Bible says, not because it's the "nice" or "right" thing (how often do we moms say, "Be nice"? Why? Why be nice?). Proverbs 20:11 says, "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right". I want desparately to be known, and my children known, for being those who follow hard aften Christ. Does that make any sense?
Anyway, onto the foundation of our new house. Things are progressing albeit a little on the slow side, especially for Tom and Dad. This past Wednesday Benji and his crew came and poured the cement for the footers. On Thursday, pallets of cinder blocks showed up; and today (Saturday) Benji and his crew were back to lay the blocks. They'll be back tomorrow to finish laying the stem wall. Unfortunately, because Benji has a "day" job, he won't be able to pour the slab until next Friday. So, again we wait.
Here's some pictures of the progress so far:
As we're laying the foundation for our new house, I'm personally encountering a laying of a different foundation. Or maybe it's better to say that I'm trying to re-lay my spiritual foundation. Through parenting these precious gifts of God, I realize that I have lots of Biblical and/or theological "knowledge". But... I'm finding that I lack the wisdom that takes that knowledge and then can apply it to not only my life but, more importantly, in the training of our children. For myself and my children, I want my thoughts and actions to be directed by what the Bible says, not because it's the "nice" or "right" thing (how often do we moms say, "Be nice"? Why? Why be nice?). Proverbs 20:11 says, "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right". I want desparately to be known, and my children known, for being those who follow hard aften Christ. Does that make any sense?
Anyway, onto the foundation of our new house. Things are progressing albeit a little on the slow side, especially for Tom and Dad. This past Wednesday Benji and his crew came and poured the cement for the footers. On Thursday, pallets of cinder blocks showed up; and today (Saturday) Benji and his crew were back to lay the blocks. They'll be back tomorrow to finish laying the stem wall. Unfortunately, because Benji has a "day" job, he won't be able to pour the slab until next Friday. So, again we wait.
Here's some pictures of the progress so far: